As I type this, I am having a very nice day. God, I hope it lasts.
PMs open, feel free.
Currently experimenting with Pencil2D, hope to start posting some animations in the near future.
So I recently took part in @Joshua's Pass the Page collab, where participants have to draw a page for a comic with only the previous page for reference.
This was a lot of fun and I managed to take part in 2 seperate comics, you can check both of 'em out here.
So I basically just got my electricity back on today after 7 days with no power.
Naturally I haven't made any progress at all with either art or animation this week, which sucks - but hey, at least I didn't get hit by like... a flying piano, or an anvil or something. So that's nice.
Thank fuck I had a bunch of films saved to my phone. I ended up watching all the Rambo films for like the 100th time, man that Rambo guy saw some shit, I tell ya what.
Anyway, I'm still open for requests if anyone would like something dumb doodled by me - I've enjoyed the ideas I've done so far, and it gets me drawing things I wouldn't otherwise have thought of. So if you'd like one, feel free to leave it in these comments.
So as I said in a previous post, I'll be leaving for a wedding in a couple hours. I should be gone about 3-4 days, and I'm not sure if there will be internet where I'm going. So I may be MIA in other words.
That being said, if anyone would still like to leave a request they can do so on either this post, or the previous one - I'll get to them when I'm able.
So, lately I've been practicing drawing digitally and I've been looking through the forums and artist news section for inspiration/prompts (look in the description of my images for these details). I figured if anyone had any dumb ideas for sketches or good things to practice, they could leave them here on my page.
I may not get to all of them, but if I do I'll leave a link to your page in the description of the art, like I've been doing with several users so far. I don't really have any limits, but if you want something... errr 'seedy' - you're probably better off asking someone else.
I'll be going away for a wedding over the new year. If there's internet where I'm going, I'll try and make some time before bed to get some practice in.
I've been lurking NG for a very long time and for some reason now seemed like the right time to make an account. I'm probably gonna spend most of my time here stockpiling my old favourites and saying some stupid things, so be sure to tell me how much you enjoy my awful contributions. K BYE!