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GTA 6 is shaping up to be game of the century.
*gulp, gulp, gulp*
You can really taste the soy.
Masterpiece (of cake).
Ahh yes, this was the game that brought me to NG all those years ago. Good times.
I overthought it a little.
Shigeru would be proud.
You're killing it, my lad!
Great work all of you! God, I miss 24/7 stores, we don't really get 'em here anymore after covid. This would have been perfect for buying doritos at 4 in the morning.
Spot on! I probably prefer this to the original Hilltop Zone.
Average police response to a UK citizen watching TV without a license.
Jesus Christ, imagine giving birth to that - leg first.
The Ass Eating Factory was just *chef's kiss* @mcbinkles
As I type this, I am having a very nice day. God, I hope it lasts.
PMs open, feel free.
Currently experimenting with Pencil2D, hope to start posting some animations in the near future.
Very Handsome.
Don't remind me.
Sad Hill Cemetery.
Joined on 12/12/24